So literally talking about surveys generally, you'll always have a profile survey to fill or let me say pre-qualification question to check if you qualify as a new user. I'll guide you on how to go about it now.

So, I'll be writing out questions that are always asked and how to answer them generally.




1. What are your hobbies and interests?

= Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Extreme Sports, Playing Video/Computer Games, Watching Sports on TV, 

Technology / Computers, Golf (Pick the required number from the above listed)

2. On average, how many hours of radio do you listen to per week?

= 11 to 20 hours

3. On average, how many hours of television do you watch per week?

= 20 hours

4. On average, how many alcoholic drinks do you consume in a week?

= Choose a reasonable number (In other not to be seen as an alcoholic)

5. Which of the following types of vacation/holidays do you usually go on?

= Cruises, Cruise & Stay Holiday, Bus Trips, Visiting Friends & Family, Long weekend Getaways, Beach

Holiday (Pick the required number from the above listed)

6. How many hours a week do you exercise/participate in sports?

= 11 hours or more per week

7. How often do you go to the movie theater?

= One time per month

8. What sports do you regularly participate in?

= Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Bicycling, Cricket, Fishing, Golf, Field Hockey (Pick the required 

number from the above listed)

9. Do you play video games?

= YES.

10. Which of the following devices do you use to play games?

= Games Console, Portable Gaming Device, Computer or Laptop, Cellphone/Smartphone, Other. (Pick the required number from the above listed)

11. How many hours per week do you spend playing video/computer games?

= 4 to 10 hours, or More than 25 hours (Either of the 2 will work)

12. What kind(s) of video/computer games do you play?

= 3rd Person Adventure (e.g. Super Mario Galaxy), 3rd Person Shooter/Action (e.g. Gears of War), Fighting 

(e.g. Street Fighter), First Person Shooter/Action (e.g. Call of Duty), Flight Simulation (e.g. MS Flight 

Simulator), Vehicle Racing (e.g. Need for Speed), Puzzle (e.g. Professor Layton), Sports (e.g. FIFA). (Pick 

the required number from the above listed)

13. On average, how many computer/video games a month do you purchase?

= 3 to 5 games.

14. How do you play video/computer games?

= With others through an Internet connection, Alone, With others in the same room/house.

15. Which gaming platforms do you regularly use?

= Windows-based desktop/laptop, Sony PlayStation, Sony PlayStation 2, Sony PlayStation 3/Slim, Apple-based desktop/laptop, Sony PlayStation. (Pick the required number from the above listed)

16. Do you play video games with others online? (e.g. Xbox Live or World of Warcraft)?

= YES, both [online and virtual]


1. Are you a caregiver and in contact at least once a week with someone with any of the following ailments?

=Acne, Back Pain, Depression, Diabetes

2. Do you suffer from any of the following illnesses/conditions?

= Acne, Back Pain, Depression, Diabetes

3. If you stated that you have been diagnosed with cancer, can you define the type of cancer?

=I don't have cancer

4. Do you suffer from any of the following illnesses/conditions?]

=I don't have any illnesses/conditions

5. If you stated that you have been diagnosed with diabetes, can you define the type of diabetes?

=Diabetes Type 1

6. On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke in a day?

=1 to 3 cigarettes


Age: Always use: (30, 35, 40, 45, 50).

Voting Status: YES

Children: 2 Children (Male – 17 years, Female – 15 years) always under 18

Company staff: 101-500 or 501-1000

Company: Worldwide

Company revenue: $5 Million $9.99 Million

Company’s Total Annual Revenue: $500m – $1 billion

Country: Preferably, use the US the most

State: New York or any other State/City

Occupation/ Profession: Information Technology /IT, Banking or Retail

Position: General Manager, Director, Manager, C-level, CTO, and/or higher ones

Income: $100,000-$149,999[always 150000$ i.e. Do not exceed “$150,000”]

Job Description: Full-Time Employee/Worker (30/40 hours weekly).

Total Annual Income: Total annual income should be high, at least $250k

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

Are you Hispanic/Latino? No

Religion: Christian/Muslim

Residence/living: Single House (Owned)

Car: Owned

Brand: Audi, a luxury small car

Purchased: 2013, Model- A3, 2013

Price: $27,270

Next car would purchase: 2021, BMW- Ford, Toyota

Smartphone: iPhone

Next smart phone purchase: 2020 Samsung

Pets: Cats – 1/2, Under 1yrs

Dog – 1/2, 3yrs old

Tobacco/Cigarette: Yes

Beer: Per week – 1 time

Sports/Fun: Football, Hockey, Basketball

Education: Master’s Degree or Bachelor, 4 Years Graduate/ College Graduate.

Bank: Bank of America

Bank Account: Check Account, Savings Account

Credit card: American Express

Life Insurance: Progressive

Car Insurance: Progressive

Health Insurance: Progressive

TV service provider: Direct TV - Satellite

Internet service provider: Cox

Mobile service: Sprint

Regular shopping: Sam’s Club, Macy's, Kohls, Old navy

Shoes: Adidas, Nike, Reebok

Online shop: Target, Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, Urban Outfitters

Movie on Theater: Once a month

Play/Video game Console: Xbox360, Playstation4Pro, Nintendo Console

Subscription (Paid): YouTube Premium, Hulu, Netflix, NBC, USA, 

Vacation tour: Once a year

Airline: Delta Airlines

International/Domestic: Domestic - 2, International - 1 

Hotel/resort: Hilton/ Four Seasons

Company Description: IT

Annual Revenue: $10 Million

Employee: 100-500

Total Brach: 10

Head Quarter: New York

Political: Independent/Republican/Democrat

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Illness/Diagnosis: Allergy/ Diabetes

Security Question: Favorite color of Car - Blue

Political View: Moderate Liberal (Somewhat active)

Insurance Policy: Private coverage purchased and funded by me

Region: Northeast

Questions can come out in different forms but these are the common ones that disqualify people. You have to 

be smart and knowledgeable to pass through this trial. You have to behave as if you are a citizen of that country, 

or you can make research on Google to answer some questions.

NOTE: Always make sure the question you're an answered too because there is always a quality check 

question. Always act smart and real while on the survey 

CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO SEE THE POST OHow to get paid doing online Surveys


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